Released in 2017, Arpo is the second album from Berlin-based composer and DJ Joe Seaton (AKA Call Super). David Seaton played clarinet on several tracks, including the title piece. Reviewing the album for Pitchfork, Andy Beta wrote:
“From the opening theme of “Arpo,” [Joe] Seaton takes a filigree of woodwind and winds it around an iridescent line and a globule of bass. That theme returns again midway through on “Arpo Sunk,” now cloaked in warm hiss and just a dab of echo, the melodic line of the reed taking the track off to wander far from any typical dance beat. The clarinet and oboe come courtesy of Seaton’s father, painter and Dixieland player David Seaton. His horn arose on both Suzi Ecto and Seaton’s fourth world ambient tracks made as Ondo Fudd, while also providing the fluttering shriek at the core of “Fluo.” The ductile tone that the elder Seaton provides on these tracks—by turns frisky, tuneful, droney and shrieking—keeps the music from ever staying pat on the grid or rolling out in a predictable manner.”